

I LOVE what I do

I help people discover and enjoy eating REAL food, reduce the toxic load on their bodies and reclaim their best health.

I guide people in reconnecting with their innate intelligence and listening to what their bodies say they need.

I challenge people to do their research…

I feel extremely fortunate to have learned all that I have about our body’s design – its structure and function. I now see how our bodies are supposed to work and how much of our modern food, eating habits, and lifestyle work in opposition to the way we were designed.

When I listen to the propaganda of the medical and food industries telling us we must avoid the healthy foods God gave us and replace them with highly adulterated, packaged foods (foods so deplete of nutrients they take nutrients from our bodies to metabolize them) in order to be “heart healthy,” I know I need to take a stand for the truth.

One of the biggest misunderstandings in our culture revolves around the issue of fats. The low-fat, high carbohydrate food fad was one of the most harmful food fads in the history of mankind.

I want to divulge the lies and proclaim the truth.

I love reactions such as this after a lecture: “Butter is our friend, which is good because I have missed butter!!” Laura L.

Book your FREE 30 min. DISCOVERY CALL today! Let's customize a plan to your individual needs so you can reclaim your best health!

How did I get to this point?

I served as a missionary in Mexico for 6 ½ years; I returned home in 1999 because of health issues. I soon discovered the Weston A. Price Foundation and began following a Wise Traditions diet. I learned the value and significance of the traditional diet and its connection with holistic healing to improve peoples’ lives, as mine greatly improved.

The more I learned about how what we eat and how we eat affects our bodies and health, the more passionate I became about sharing this knowledge. Having a strong desire to educate people to make the connection between their decline in health and their diet, inspired me to make a career change. So, in February 2018, I left my job of 17 years as the Finance Officer at a natural food grocery store to pursue my passion for sharing the truth about REAL food.


Enjoy this wintertime essential. 
When cold season hits, what’s better to have on hand than homemade, nutrient dense bone broth?
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“And you will know the truth and the truth will make you free.”

– John 8:32
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Enjoy this wintertime essential. 

When cold season hits, what’s better to have on hand than homemade, nutrient dense bone broth?

Get your free guide along with monthly REAL food tips & inspiration right to your inbox.
Simply sign up with your name and email address.