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Enjoy this wintertime essential.
When cold season hits, what’s better to have on hand than homemade, nutrient dense bone broth?
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The quick fix diet isn’t working. How about a more sustainable solution?
I bet you’d like a quick fix to slimming down and feeling fit… or to finding a solution to your chronic constipation, indigestion, back pain, seasonal allergies, autoimmune issues, or

Now we know. We must AVOID products with an SPF rating. Here’s why.
My clients continually say they want to take care of their bodies on a deep level. This can only happen when we reduce the toxins we consume – through what

Uncertain about ditching that sunscreen? Check out these healthy options.
One of my clients came to me after reading my Sunshine blog in which I mentioned how toxic sunscreen is and that I was ready to give it up. She

Sunlight! The purest, richest multi-vitamin available. And it’s free.
In 2014, it was estimated that approximately 12% of U.S. deaths (340,000 persons per year) could be linked to inadequate sun exposure.1 And a 2016 all-cause mortality study found that

More steps we can take to protect ourselves from Glyphosate
In my last blog, I barely scratched the surface on the topic of glyphosate (a toxic herbicide that is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup). Its ill effects on plants,

Glyphosate. Can one product cause so much harm? What can we do?
Like me, you’re concerned about what’s in and on your food. We’re doing our best to select healthy, well-raised foods. We don’t want to be feeding our families foods sprayed

See your generosity have a greater impact! Vote with your food dollar!
I know you like supporting charities, being involved in service projects. Likely you support or have supported a child overseas through an organization such as World Vision or Compassion International.

How I find peace in the midst of turmoil and strife
One of my greatest tools for finding peace in the midst of turmoil is praying the Serenity Prayer in its entirety. The actual author of the Serenity Prayer was Reinhold

Tone your muscles, reduce excess body fat, just 15 minutes a day
We all want to feel good about the way we look – we want to be stronger, leaner, and more alert! We want energy for ministry, kids’ activities, and taking