In January, The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) launched the 50 Percent Pledge Campaign, urging people to make a commitment to spend at least 50 percent of their food dollar on purchases from local farms and artisans.
I love that they started this campaign and encourage you to take the pledge. I typically spend 80-90% locally because I believe in the concept of supporting local farms and artisans. So 50% is very doable.
More details from the WAPF about the campaign:
“This commitment to supporting local farms crowns the 20th year of the ongoing crusade by the Weston A. Price Foundation to disseminate accurate information on diet and health.
There is every reason to take the 50% Pledge.
The conventional food system is changing rapidly. The expansion of home delivery systems for industrial food, the growth of industrial organic, and the targeting of the traditional livestock business through plant-based and cell-cultured ‘meat’ and ‘dairy’ products threaten to weaken local food systems. Mass participation in the 50% Pledge campaign is a way to stem the threat, creating more demand for the raw dairy products, meat, poultry, eggs, produce and other nutrient-dense foods that small farmers and local artisans produce.
By taking and making good on the pledge, you will be improving your own health and the health of your family. The highest quality food is mostly found from small farmers and artisans in the local food system. The likelihood is that you will be spending less money on doctors and medication. If you are currently spending little or nothing on medical services taking the 50% Pledge is a great way to maintain that lifestyle.
Taking the pledge contributes towards small farm prosperity and increases the chances of your local food source remaining in business. There are still too many one-size-fits-all food safety regulations that squeeze regenerative family farms; they need all the business they can take on. The quality of the industrial food supply continues to deteriorate; by helping to keep quality local producers in business through your patronage, you will be better able to avoid health-robbing foods in the industrial system. The medical system currently accounts for 17% of our gross national product (GNP); reducing demand for medical services leads to a more productive use of resources. Small farmers are the true frontline healers in our healthcare system.
Taking the Pledge will benefit the local economy by keeping more of your food dollar in the community. In many states, less than 10% of the food that residents consume is produced in that state. The industrialization of agriculture has drained rural America. Stronger local food systems lead to better food safety. At an international food safety conference in July 2019, a high-ranking FDA official stated that traceability was the Achilles heel of the food system; nothing is more traceable than food locally produced and consumed.
A country’s ability to be self-sufficient in quality food production is its first line of national defense. A strong small-farm sector marketing most of its production direct to the final consumer is the path towards making that happen.”
Want to take the Pledge, but need help getting started? Book a free 30-miunte Discovery Call now. Let me help you figure that out.
Remember: “Every dollar you spend…or don’t spend…is a vote you cast for the world you want.” (L.N. Smith, Sunrise over Disney, 2011)