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Enjoy this wintertime essential.
When cold season hits, what’s better to have on hand than homemade, nutrient dense bone broth?
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Learn how to make homemade butter. It’s fun, easy, and rewarding.
After writing my blog How might butter treat your ailments?, I got inspired to try making my own. Little did I know how fun, easy and fulfilling it would be.

What ARE vegetable oils? What you MUST know.
If you follow my blogs, you know I talk a lot about the harmful effects of vegetable oils and sugar. Unless you’re cooking completely from scratch, you’re consuming these toxins.

LDL/HDL – What you were never told.
I am not claiming to be an expert on cholesterol numbers. I just know that there’s a lot more to the story than what we’ve been led to believe. And

Cholesterol. The Hero, Not the Villain.
Did you know cholesterol is a nutrient, that it functions as an antioxidant and that it’s a critical building block for our bodies? Yes. It’s true. It’s the hero, not

How can morning sun impact your weight? And more?
Are you looking to upgrade your health? Without investing any more money? In particular, your quality of sleep? Your weight? Your thyroid function? Your mood? Your cognitive function? Your body,

How can BUTTER treat your ailments?
Butter goes with just about everything as Garfield highlights. BUT it’s much more than an accessory. Are you at all concerned about avoiding or treating heart disease? Cancer? Arthritis? Osteoporosis?

Why is shopping locally vital to your health?
Email from my friend Chris, Tuesday, February 20, 2024: “Good morning, Karen, Absolutely no more red meat for me. I had a cheeseburger last night from Smash Burger. I normally

From Dysautonomia to the Throne of Health… What’s the Secret?
Do you or someone you know suffer from an autoimmune disorder, or another chronic health issue? IBS? Crohn’s? Diabetes? High blood pressure? Insomnia? Migraines? Depression? Anxiety? … Could indigenous people

Karen’s Words of Wisdom Upon Turning 60
Recently, while celebrating a “significant” birthday with my family and two close friends, I was asked if I had any words of wisdom at age 60. Yes, it’s hard to