Hopefully you’ve avoided that nasty cold going around as well as Covid and long Covid.
Even though we’re nearing the end of cold season, it’s just as important as ever to keep our immune system working strong.
The immune system is what helps us fight infections and keep us from getting struck down.
Here are some of my favorite ways to stay strong:
- Vitamin A-rich foods. Vitamin A is one of our strongest protectors against viruses. So, take your Cod Liver Oil (CLO) and enjoy liver once a week. Yes, I love both. 😊
- Vitamin D. The best sources are CLO, eggs from pastured hens, lard from pasture raised pigs, and sunshine. And to some extent grass fed animals raised outside.
Note: Taking CLO provides both Vitamins A & D together in a natural occurring form. We want to be taking both together because taking one without the other can actually deplete the other. And it’s all the better to take it with butter or butteroil to get Vitamin K and optimize the benefits.
- Vitamin C. Good food sources include sauerkraut (especially the juice) and other ferments, organ meats, grass fed meats & poultry, and citrus fruits, including peels. Additionally, eating fermented foods will provide beneficial microbes, also essential for keeping us well.
- Homemade meat stocks and soups, especially chicken stock and chicken soup
- Zinc. Good food sources include raw egg yolks and oysters. If taking zinc as a supplement, be sure to take it with a meal.
- Runny egg yolks. Contrary to mainstream media, we need cholesterol.
- Cut sugar. Sugar of all kinds suppresses the immune system.
- Sunshine and fresh air. Be sure to get outside every day. Sunshine is one of God’s natural multivitamins. It’s more than just a potential source of Vitamin D.
- Good quality fats.
- Drink sufficient water.
- Put more movement back into your daily routines.
- Sleep is ESSENTIAL for detoxifying, cleansing our lymph, and restoring and repairing our cells.
- Avoid toxic chemicals found in skin care and cleaning products. And leave some of the natural oils on your skin. Those oils are your first line of immunity.[1]
- Reduce stress. Try walking, meditation, yoga, gentle movement, self-coaching, tapping, breathing exercises, constraint in your schedule.
- Be in community.
- Reduce EMFs. For starters, turn your router and bedroom circuit off at night.
- And last but not least LYMPH REMOVAL.
You don’t generally hear much about the lymph which is why I want to stress its importance.
Our lymph circulates alongside our blood vessels. It keeps us clean by draining cellular waste products removed from our cells. We need this fluid to be circulating in order to fight off unwanted viruses and bacteria.
Unlike the heart in the cardiovascular system, the lymph does not have its own pumping mechanism.[2]
Instead, it depends on the regular use of the muscles found near our lymph nodes.
Tight muscles limit joint motion causing lymph to back up in that area.
Our largest lymph node clusters are located at the areas where we tend to be the tightest: the neck, the armpits and chest, the groin, and the ribs.[3]
Here’s a diagram of the lymph system:
Even if you work the large muscles in the gym, the smaller muscles get neglected, allowing for stagnation.
So, learning exercises to slowly stretch and strengthen the muscles in the lymph areas will be useful in preventing waste from accumulating.[4] I am posting five stretches at the end of the blog that I have started practicing so you can do them too.
We need to be walking multiple miles per day (another multivitamin) to drain your lymph. Simple walking with your arms swinging naturally.[5]
Again, walking is key. We need it to clean our lymph, build our bones, aid in digestion, clear our heads and reduce stress.
Preferably done outside. But if not outside at least on solid ground.
Walking correctly means you use your gluteal (or butt) muscles to lift the leg out behind you.
When walking on a treadmill you don’t get to push back because the belt is moving toward you. You burn up calories, but you can also weaken your pelvic strength, increase osteoarthritis, and decrease bone density.[6]
What else is good for moving the lymph:
- Jump roping or bouncing on a mini trampoline
- Skin brushing
- Hot & cold showers (3 minutes of hot followed by 30 seconds of cold (repeat 2x, being sure to end with cold),
- Epsom salt baths or foot soaks. Epsom salt baths help the lymphatic system and healing by improving circulation and the natural detoxification of cellular waste. The sulfates in the Epsom salt help to improve nitric oxide in the body. Magnesium helps to neutralize acid waste and the nitric oxide helps to relax blood vessels. Both of these actions help to improve lymph flow and cellular health.[7]
- Do your Nitric Oxide Dump
- Sweat.
- Get good sleep. Yes, I am repeating myself. Sleep is important.
- For moms, carry baby in your arms. The use of the arms keeps the lymph system pumping about the breast area as well as keeping the mechanics of smooth muscle lactation in prime condition. This exercise practice also provides you with the opportunity to continue peaking your upper-body muscle contraction.[8]
- What’s more. In-arm baby carrying gives your baby the correct environment to develop his maximum strength.[9]
- If don’t have a baby to carry (neither your own or someone else’s), then think of carrying more objects from one place to another as part of your daily routine.
- Toned upper arms are a good indication that lymph drainage in the chest and shoulder area are working.[10]
The immune system is a huge topic. I’ve only touched on one small aspect of maintaining it.
Book your free 30-minute Discovery Call to get individual help with knowing how the immune system works and how you can bolster yours.
Enjoy walking and enjoy trying the new stretches shown below.
And stay well.
Peace and grace,
Floor Angels. Recline on a bolster or stack of pillows, reach your arms out to the side, keeping the palms up. Try to get the back of your hands to the floor, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Once your chest can handle that stretch, slowly raise your arms above your head, trying to keep them on the floor. Do this five to ten minutes a day, being gentle on yourself.[11] Note: It’s not as uncomfortable as it looks. On the contrary, it’s quite comfortable.
Back of the Hands and Thumbs Touch. Keep your forearms to be parallel to the ground while you press the backs of your hands and thumbs together as in the picture. [12] This will likely take some time to work up to. Give it all the time it takes.
Soldier Stand. Stand with your hands down by your side. You will want to do this in front of a mirror the first couple of times. Move your hands down along your sides (like you would be touching the racing stripes on a pair of athletic pants). Press the palms into the sides of the thigh. Once your hands are flat, try getting the entire arm to touch your body. This works all the little muscles in the shoulder as well as the large muscles of the latissimus. This is super good for those who drive a lot, are under a lot of stress and carry tension in the shoulder area.[13]
Wrist Exercise. Hold a yoga blog behind you by PRESSING your palms into it, WITHOUT gripping. Your arms should be straight.[14] This is not as easy as it looks but will come with time. My arms are not as straight should be yet, as you can see in the photo.
Head Hang. Stretch the back of your neck, keeping the neck supple by allowing the chin to until it touches the chest.[15]
[1] Bowman K 2016. Alignment Matters. Propriometrics Press p. 375
[2] Bowman K 2016. Alignment Matters. Propriometrics Press p. 167, 382-384
[3] Ibid
[4] Bowman K 2016. Alignment Matters. Propriometrics Press p. 168
[5] Bowman K 2016. Alignment Matters. Propriometrics Press p. 8
[6] Bowman K 2016. Alignment Matters. Propriometrics Press p. 107, 282
[7] https://www.ossipinskyhealthacademy.com/epsom-salt-baths-help-lymphatic-system/
[8] Bowman K 2016. Alignment Matters. Propriometrics Press p. 240
[9] Here’s how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3H2R5Nn38g
[10] Bowman K 2016. Alignment Matters. Propriometrics Press p. 176
[11] Bowman K 2016. Alignment Matters. Propriometrics Press p. 169
[12] Bowman K 2016. Alignment Matters. Propriometrics Press p. 176-178
[13] Ibid
[14] Ibid
[15] Bowman K 2016. Alignment Matters. Propriometrics Press p. 168