Are you interested in avoiding some of the chemically laced, addictive foods that I described in my video presentation Evolution of the Modern Diet and transitioning to eating a nutrient dense, whole-food, properly prepared diet as our ancestors did? But also feel overwhelmed and do not know how to start?
I have a practical step to help you begin this process.
Start by making your own dressing. It is quick and easy and costs a fraction of those commercial dressings.
Why ditch the commercial dressings?
Because they contain:
- Rancid, industrial seed oils (e.g. canola, corn, cotton seed, safflower, soybean, and sunflower)
- Sugars (The added sugar to foods that are not normally meant to be sweet, such as soups and dressings, drive our addiction for sugar. This is an easy place to cut it out.)
- Citric Acid
- Xanthan Gum
- Natural flavors (This could mean anything, including msg and soy lecithin. Buyer beware!)
- Artificial flavors
- Colorings, including artificial dyes
These ingredients cause inflammation in the body, which in turn leads to the chronic health issues we see today – diabetes, heart disease, obesity, autoimmunity, …
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Here is a basic Vinaigrette recipe adapted from Nourishing Traditions:
- 2 T raw apple cider vinegar or raw coconut vinegar
- 1 t organic mustard (Dijon or regular, yellow mustard)
- ½ c organic extra virgin olive oil
- 1 t organic expeller pressed flax oil (if you do not have flax oil, you can omit or substitute with avocado oil)
- Sprigs of fresh herbs such as parsley, tarragon thyme, basil, or oregano (opt.)
- 1 clove garlic, crushed (opt.)
- Measure vinegar into a pint size jar or dressing bottle. Add mustard and swirl/agitate to combine.
- Slowly add olive oil in a steady stream, swirling to combine as you do so. Once you have added all the olive oil, screw the lid on and shake so that the oil is well mixed and emulsified. Note: It is not critical with this recipe (compared to something such as homemade mayonnaise) that you add the olive oil in a slow steady stream while simultaneously mixing constantly.
- Add flax oil and shake again. Then add desired herbs and garlic. Allow to sit a few minutes for the flavors of the herbs and garlic to infuse into the dressing.
- Refrigerate any leftover. This should keep in the refrigerator for several weeks. It will harden in the refrigerator (at least it should if you used a good quality olive oil). So, get it out 15-30 minutes before needing.
*** And what else are you going to do? You are going to grab it whenever you go out to eat. The dressings at most any restaurant you go to, will contain some form of sugar as well as the industrial seed oils. And if you forget to grab it, then simply request olive oil and lemon when asked what kind of dressing you would like.
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Congratulations on taking this first step of transitioning to a nutrient dense, REAL food diet!
Let me know how it goes!
Peace and grace,